We offer a literacy program to all who work in our factories. It costs $15 per person and we work in partnership with select local organizations that we have personally worked with and vetted for over 7 years. For example, in Pakistan, the program is run by Literate Pakistan and was created in partnership with a Skoll Award winning organization: The Citizens Foundation. The Citizens Foundation, whom our founder volunteered close to a year of her time to, offers education to over 150,000 students in Pakistan.
i recently signed up & am very excited when i discovered this website/ oppurtunity! ...however i would like to know more about the commission because i am very interested in presenting some designs to Vida..thanks
I love having VIDA accept my designs. I love designing, sketching and drawing and just artwork in general. I took metalwork and jewelry making in college and get a lot of inspiration from nature and the world around me in general. One of my designs is reflective of the tiny particles of ice that looked like millions of sparkling diamonds from my view from the plane when I flew over the North Pole on my way to China. I am excited that VIDA gives to foundations that help build literacy skills. I am glad to be associated with a company that has a heart for the people of the world.
I love having VIDA accept my designs. I love designing, sketching and drawing and just artwork in general. I took metalwork and jewelry making in college and get a lot of inspiration from nature and the world around me in general. One of my designs is reflective of the tiny particles of ice that looked like millions of sparkling diamonds from my view from the plane when I flew over the North Pole on my way to China. I am excited that VIDA gives to foundations that help build literacy skills. I am glad to be associated with a company that has a heart for the people of the world.
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