Please be advised that all our factories and suppliers have strict sanitary guidelines and we have doubled this to ensure all our products are safe.
How to keep your VIDA masks clean
* Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before you put on your Protective Mask. Try not to touch the mask while you are wearing it.
*While removing the mask, slip the adjustable ear loops from your ears. Do not grab the front of the mask to remove it from your face.
*Using the adjustable ear loops, place the mask directly in a paper bag to hold it until you’re ready to wash or wear it again.
*Masks should be washed after each use
*Remove filter before washing and toss your mask into your washing machine after each use
*Use warm water to kill germs, remove bacteria and viruses. Regular laundry detergent works fine
*Machine dry in gentle cycles or air-dry so the loops do not get damaged
*If you don’t have access to a washing machine, then hand-wash your mask the same way you would wash delicates. First, wet the mask and rub it with soap until you see the soap lather. Then soak the mask in hot water and soap for 30 minutes to ensure you’ve killed all the germs. Then rinse, and machine dry or air dry on a sanitized surface.
Our disposable masks can be used up to 4 effective hours in total. It can be reused if worn lightly (eg. going to the grocery store, running errands, etc.) and can be worn for up to 4 hours in densely populated areas (i.e. in a crowd, in a music festival, etc.).
If you are using it in situations where you will need it for an extended period of time, we recommend packing an extra mask (as it is recommended to be worn for 4 hours only). For example, if you are using our mask to go to work, you would need 2 masks each day so you can wear one mask for four hours and change to the second one during your lunch break.
You should replace the filter after 7 days of actual usage, and we recommend keeping your filter in a clean, airtight bag (such as a Ziploc) while you are not using your mask or while you are washing your mask. Note that the filters themselves are not washable.
For example, if you use your mask for 30 minutes only one day on week 1, none at all on week 2, and then 30 minutes for six days on week 3, you only need to replace your filter at the end of week 3. The function of the mask and duration is depending on the environment you use it in. In an environment with a high rate of particles like smoke, dust, polluted air, the filter saturates more quickly. In a normal environment like an office, outside, a home, a grocery store, the filter will last much more.
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